Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tutorial 3- Using New Communication Technologies

Week 3's Tutorial Task
In the following Blog you will read about what drew me to become a user of New Communication Technologies, alongside the priovacy it brings and the sites i enjoy using. Enjoy.

For the past 5 years i have been apart of the 'cyber community' essentially to have contact with my friends from school and work. Programs such as MSN and the typical search engine-Google where the first new communication techniques i endeavoured to understand. More recently in the past year I signed up and created a MYSPACE account.

I was influenced by my friends to begin using new communication technologies and in particular MSN and MYSPACE. Another major influence on my use of New Communication Technologies is the increased load of assignments and urge to use multiple sources other than books and encyclopedias. By searching on the internet you are able to access a variety of different resources that you wouldnt be able to find in paper copy. Any of these resources are overseas sites that offer that extra bit of information needed to create a good assignment.

To a certain extent i think everyone worries about their privacy when accessing various types of New Communication Technologies. By installing Anti-virus Programs and security software I am reassured that the likelihood of my privacy being tampered is much smaller. But a problem with an evergrowing world of new technologies comes bigger and more devastating virus' caused by Hackers. With this being the case its important that i update Internet Security each year with a program that has up to date protection.

Although it is excellent to use New Communication Technologies to communicate with friends or to research a paper it is also good to steer away from technology and just go out with friends or to the beach. By doing so we are still enjoying the things we did before these programs became accessible, and not losing sight of the general things we enjoy.

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